我从小生长在一个单亲家庭,母亲在我小时候就去世了,从小就习惯呆在爸爸身边。身为一名商人,爸爸总喜欢在出门前喷上 Spirit Bold 香水,那清香的檀香木气息,总是给人一种自信的感觉。出门前我总会抱一抱爸爸,他那香气更是明显的烙印在我的童年记忆。
现在,每次嗅到檀木的香气还会想起爸爸常常在他出门前喷上他最喜欢的 Spirit Bold 香水。也因为如此,每每父亲节我都会给亲爱的爸爸送上这款香水,雕上父亲节祝福语,感恩爸爸那么多年为我做的美味佳肴,为我洗净衣服,甚至风雨天为我遮风挡雨。
每个香水承载着每个幸福的记忆 — Spirit Bold, 一款专为男性设计的木香香水。
The Japanese Yuzu’s Fragrance
Japanese Yuzu, a citrus fruit between lemon & orange is a perfect natural decoration in most Japanese cuisine.
The Japanese Yuzu is originally from China and then brought into Korea and Japan during the Nara periods (710-794 CE). A Japanese Yuzu tree is small but is highly resistant to the cold weather which makes the plant grow in the inland mountain area.
The sweet and fresh aromatic fruit became loved by the Japanese. But, there is only 18% of the juice in a Japanese Yuzu.
Therefore, it becomes a good aromatic ingredient in meals. In medicine, the studies believe that most the citrus fruit including Japanese Yuzu is rich in vitamin C which may encourage the growth of collagen to protect the protein from damage
The unique smell of Japanese Yuzu flowers is an ideal component for feminine perfumes which brings out a bright and confident impression.
Discover the secret of Japanese Yuzu perfume — Clever
The Patchouli’s Fragrance
A Patchouli is an aromatic flowering plant which grows in a bush. In summer, a few small pale purples to white flowers will bloom on a Patchouli bush and each bush will grow up to 1 metre high.
The name “Patchouli” mean green leaf as it is a part of the Mint family. The plant is believed native to Southeast Asia and was widely used in 1840 in Europe & Asia.
In ancient China and India, the Patchouli is widely used in traditional medicine as an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal, antidepressant and insect repellent. Moreover, a Patchouli could be a supplement in tea which could stimulate our appetite as well as relieve stress.
After being processed, the Patchouli will smell musky, woody, and earthy. As most people fall in love with the unique scent of Patchouli, it accelerates the use of Patchouli in oil, perfumes, incense and cosmetics.
Explore the Patchouli’s perfume — Gentleman II
有人说,用香的习惯体现了一个人的性格和特质。久而久之,香水就成了你的代表。许多男生都认为女生是视觉动物,她们只喜欢帅的。其实,这并不准确,女生更像是 “感官动物”。
“ 从他的味道,我就知道他是好男人 ” … 他是一个粗犷辽阔的男人,但是温柔却有力量,是对他最好的评价。香水散发的木质味道,是一种森林的气息。用广度和深度,从四面八方包裹你。就像男友宽怀的臂膀。
“ 今夜还吹着风,想起你好温柔 ” … 这瓶香水,总让人想起邻座的男生。干净,温柔,笑容带着一点忧郁。海浪吹起,都是你温柔的脸庞。如果可以定义,那就是暗恋的味道。少年的青春可以让时间停止,这瓶香水也可以。
我用香水的时候不多,格调也不算高。柑橘香调、花香调、东方香调都不恶,用的最多的是花香调。但基本属于只要不十分讨厌就抓来用的状态,无偏爱也无章法。我最早关于香水的记忆是妈妈的小苍兰花 (Freesia flower) 香水。透明的瓶身里,装着淡黄色的小苍兰花香水。小时候的我对这瓶小小的香水有多么好奇和憧憬啊!时常背着妈妈,偷偷打量和抚摩这个神奇的小瓶子。打开瓶盖,不用凑近就闻到淡淡的小苍兰花的甜香。我摇晃着瓶里的香水出神,怎么会有这么好闻的味道呀?
小苍兰花香水到底是什么香味呢?客观看来就是单纯的小苍兰花香精的味道。但就是这样的香气,在某个时代与一些往事一同被镌刻下来。在某个不可预知的时候便同往事一道穿越重重时光,浮现在眼前,就仿佛大脑的某个记忆区域 “砰” 地被激活了。搜索了挺久,上星期终于网购了属于自己的小苍兰花香水 Charisma Intensive eau de parfum
在第一次的约会之后,男孩对女孩散发出的淡淡香味念念不忘,每天都想待在女孩身边。事实证明,人类对身上散发的独特香味,能深刻留在回忆和记忆里,尤其是心爱的他 / 她。
乐乐的一位男性朋友说乐乐身上也有一个特别的香味,一个他喜欢的香味,这香味来自缇诺巴黎(TICINO PARIS) Charisma Intensive eau de parfum, 缇诺巴黎香水调配来自于世界著名的法国香水之都 – 格拉斯(Grasse)。
他们引进了超过 30 类优质的香精级香水 (EDP),并以全新的香水吧概念,展现给大众。缇诺巴黎有着不同的香味选择,有小清新、性感、活力、神秘等等,让不同个性的妳们,有属于自己的香味。其中,最畅销的是 Charisma Intensive eau de parfum。这香型结合了来自南非的小苍兰花和果味,是一种温和又舒服的香味。它清爽的香味,会让妳和身边周围的人感觉放松和愉悦。非常适合清新又甜美的妳!
另外,Party Queen eau de parfum 适合青春娇美的妳!前期的香味由柑橘、香梨和野生莓果结合,带出了甜而不腻的水果香;后期则结合了茉莉花的温柔香味。
如果走性感路线的妳,就绝对适合 Seduire eau de parfum,一个结合木香与花香和性感的香水,适合妳出席各种大型约会和社交活动,释放出更大胆、更自信和更性感的妳!
为了配合不同顾客的需求,缇诺巴黎还提供了不同容量的香水瓶:10ml 和 32ml。乐乐已经购入了 Charisma Intensive,迫不及待呢!
Platinum Business Award 2018
Platinum Business Award is one of the most prestigious business awards in Malaysia that represents the pinnacle of achievement.
The award is organized by SME Association of Malaysia and endorsed by the government of Malaysia, serves as the highest accolades for the companies which have achieved an utmost excellence in all sectors of business management disciplines in forming the strategic parts of organizational growth and sustainability.
With an outstanding business performance, TICINO PARIS PERFUMERY SDN BHD is honored to be recognized as the Rising Star Company by the Platinum Business Award 2018. The prestigious award was received by our Managing Director, Mr Desmond Koh.
The Ylang-Ylang’s Fragrance
Ylang-ylang is a highly valued essence both in perfumery for the power of flowery notes and in aromatherapy for its action on the nervous system in all symptoms derived from stress.
The original home of Ylang-ylang is probably in South East Asia. However, it is now naturalized in Burma, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea. The tree requires a moist tropical climate and grows well in rich volcanic soils or fertile sandy loams.
It grows both in vine and tree form. The vine bears flowers early and more blooms with fragrance in the evening when the flowers get yellow. But both are slow growers.
Steam distillation is a preferred method for the extraction of ylang-ylang oil. The ylang-ylang oil is highly appreciated in perfumery because of its delightfully sweet, heavenly and strong odor.
Ylang-ylang oil is normally available in four grades, namely extra, first, second and third. Extra grade oil is extensively used in high quality fragrances which is TICINO PARIS preferences.
Where To Apply Perfume Correctly
Your pulse points
The pulse points are areas on the body where the veins flow close to the skin. These spots emit heat, which helps fragrance develop faster. Ideally at behind your ears, base of throat, inside the elbows, behind knee and inside wrist.
Your hair
You hair is actually one of the best places to spray perfume because the strands hold fragrance well and leave a trail of scent as you move from place to place. Fragrances latch onto hair fibers; therefore hair will carry the scent of the fragrance for a long period of time. The best way to apply fragrance to hair is to mist on a brush.
Your ankles
Before you slip on your favorite pair of stiletto heels, give your feet a blast of perfume. Your ankles are always in motion, so it helps project the fragrance wherever you go.
Your Clothes
Spraying your wool and cashmere clothes with fragrance can help achieve a longer lasting scent too.
Don’t rub after sprayed
After applying a fragrance, many people feel a need to rub it in order to warm the skin or spread the scent. This is a big mistake. Rubbing a perfume breaks down its molecules, diminishing the scent into thin air.
Certified Non-Heavy Metals Toxic
Nowadays the heavy metals contents commonly found in a wide variety of cosmetic and personal care products including lipstick, whitening gel, eyeliner, nail colour, perfume and so on.
Some heavy metals contents are intentionally added as ingredients, while others are contaminants. Exposure to the heavy metals contents have been linked to health concerns including reproductive, immune, and nervous system toxicity. Most heavy metals contents in cosmetic products are:
ANTIMONY – High exposure will cause irritation of the eyes, skin, and lungs.
ARSENIC – High exposure will cause vomiting, disturbances of the blood circulation, damage to the nervous system.
CADMUIM – High exposure will cause chills, fever, and muscle pain.
LEAD – High exposure will cause anemia, weakness, kidney & brain damage.
MERCURY – High exposure will cause tremors, insomnia, memory loss, headaches and cognitive.
At TICINO PARIS, our eau de parfum not only been registered with the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA) of Malaysia but also successfully passed the rigorous testing conducted by the international laboratory testing company – SGS and certified non-heavy metals toxic in our eau de parfum (Test Report CRSSA/200843702/CA43303).
Our Online Shop is Certified by BizTrust
BizTrust seal is a standard measurement of online security issued by the Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM), which certified that the respective company has been complied with the requirements of the trust principles and criteria that have been established including legal business registration, online security control and protection of privacy information.
At TICINO PARIS, online shop security is our top priority in order to provide a safely online shopping experience to our valued customers. We are honored to receive the BizTrust seal awarded by the SSM.